Recent Projects and Experience

- Edited, proofread and grammar checked “One Goal II” and “One Goal III” for the Chicago Blackhawks, which chronicled two championship seasons from the opening games to the banner raising ceremonies for the National Hockey League team.
- Researched, wrote, edited and proofread bylined article “Modifying LCDs to be Flight Ready” for Righthand Technologies, which was published by Aerospace Manufacturing and Design
- Wrote, edited and/or proofread numerous ads, eblasts, social media posts, video captions, project profiles, white papers, data sheets, and employee and customer communications covering a variety of sales and marketing topics for Mondo, a sports flooring manufacturer.
Write, edited, proofread and grammar checked case studies, website copy and tradeshow materials for RightHand Technologies, an embedded circuit board designer and product manufacturer.
- Edited the book “Over-Time: The untold and surprising story of the Rebels, one of Canada’s longest-lasting amateur, adult hockey teams” by Bob Falconi
- Wrote a case study for NEC Display Technologies about its monitors in The Historical Society of Pennsylvania, which was the basis for the article “Treasures on Display” that was published by IT/AV Report
- Wrote “Engaging Millennials with Experiential Marketing: 4 Tips” for Newbridge Marketing Group, which was published by Chief Marketer
- Wrote daily Facebook posts for Cat Hospital of Chicago, a cats-only veterinary facility, that resulted in a 2,000% increase in followers in just over 3 years
- Developed, then researched, wrote, edited and proofread “Treats and Tidbits,” a quarterly newsletter for Cat Hospital of Chicago that substantially grew in opt-in subscribers every year for 14 years and included subscribers worldwide
- Wrote, edited, proofread and grammar checked media materials, including bios, backgrounders, fact sheets, and more, for Evolution1, a healthcare software and payment solutions company
- Wrote, edited, proofread and grammar checked materials for the U.S. launch of steam cleaning
products by Polti, a leading European producer of small, powerful household steam appliances
- Wrote, edited, proofread and grammar checked materials for grand opening of a new healthcare facility for PCC Community Wellness Center, a network of non-profit community health centers
- Edited, proofread and grammar checked white papers and press releases for Healthcare Trends Institute, a healthcare benefits educational platform
- Wrote, edited, proofread and grammar checked website copy for search engine optimization (SEO) for a variety of clients